الموارد المتعلقة بالاتجار غير المشروع بالأحياء البرية

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تقارير مجموعة العمل المالي (الفاتف) والموارد الأساسية في مجال الاتجار غير المشروع بالأحياء البرية


  • FATF, 2021. International Standards on Combating Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism & Proliferation. (Link)
  • United States Department of State, 2021. END Wildlife Trafficking Report. (Link)
  • FATF, 2020. How can private sector help stop money laundering from illegal wildlife trade. (Link)
  • FATF, 2020. Money Laundering and the Illegal Wildlife Trade. (Link)
  • NCA, 2016. Guidance on submitting better quality Suspicious Transaction Reports (STRs). (Link)
  • Following the Money: Wildlife Crimes in Anti-Money Laundering Laws: A Review of 110 jurisdictions. (Link)
  • Themis, 2021. Dangerous Liaisons: Environmental and Financial Crime. (Link)
  • TRAFFIC, 2021. Cracking the Code: An analysis of customs HS codes used in the trade in wild animals and plants from Africa to Asia. (Link)
  • Wilson, Gary J., 2021. Trade Based Money Laundering, Trade Finance and Illegal Wildlife Trafficking. (Link)
  • Zain, Sabri, 2020. Corrupting trade: An overview of corruption issues in illicit wildlife trade. (Link)
  • World Bank, 2019. Illegal Logging, Fishing, and Wildlife Trade: The Costs and How to Combat it. (Link)
  • INTERPOL, 2018. Global Wildlife Enforcement: Strengthening Law Enforcement Cooperation Against Wildlife Crime. (Link)
  • United for Wildlife, 2018. United for Wildlife Financial Taskforce Mansion House Declaration. (Link)
  • To and Through the Gulf: IWT Routes and Legal Environment. (Link)
  • ADB-WWF-ACAMS event video and resources. Following the money trails of the illicit wildlife trade. (Link)
  • ECOFEL, 2021. Financial Investigations into Wildlife Crime. (Link)
  • EIA, 2021. Tackling Financial Flows from Illegal Wildlife Trade in East Asia. (Link)
  • TRAFFIC, 2021. Case Digest: An Initial Analysis of the Financial Flows and Payment Mechanisms Behind Wildlife and Forest Crime. (Link)
  • RUSI, 2017. Follow the Money: Using Financial Investigation to Combat Wildlife Crime. (Link)
  • EIA, 2021. Vietnam’s Footprint in Africa: An analysis of the role of Vietnamese criminal groups in wildlife trafficking. (Link)
  • RUSI, 2021, Illegal Wildlife Trade and Financial Investigations in West Africa. (Link)
  • SAMLIT, 2021. Financial flows associated with Illegal Wildlife Trade in South Africa. (Link)
  • EIA, 2020. Out of Africa: How West and Central Africa have become the epicentre of ivory and pangolin scale trafficking to Asia. (Link)
  • Going viral: Myanmar’s wildlife trade escalates online. WWF (Link)
  • Wildlife Justice Commission, 2022. Bringing down the Dragon: An analysis of China’s largest ivory smuggling case. (Link)
  • Asian Development Bank and Supply Chain Finance Program Knowledge and Capacity Building Products. (Link)
  • EIA, 2021. Vietnam’s Footprint in Africa: An analysis of the role of Vietnamese criminal groups in wildlife trafficking. (Link)
  • Wildlife Justice Commission, 2020. Operation Jeopardy: The Growing Relevance of Cambodia in the Global Ivory Trade. (Link)
  • OECD, 2019. The Illegal Wildlife Trade in Southeast Asia: Institutional Capacities in Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam. (Link)
  • United States Department of State, 2021. END Wildlife Trafficking Report. (Link)
  • UNODC 2020. World Wildlife Crime Report. (Link)
  • Wildlife Justice Commission, 2019, Snapshot Analysis Ivory Smuggling: 2015-2019 (Link)

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